Monday, September 5, 2011

Derek's Letter on August 24, 2011

hey there!
dude where is the love? where is the love? haha maybe my email last time wasn't good enough. but i'll try to be more entertaining this week. haha that might be hard cuz not a whole lot has happend. well, awesome stuff with the work actually...
so my comp and i have been workin hard of course. haha can you believe that the transfer is almost over?! that is crazy for me. next week we have transfers but i don't think there will be any changes here with elder hancock and i. which is a good thing because i'd like to work with him again. i only have 4 transfers left! time to work my butt off. it's the last stretch. President Roach always said that the way you end your mission is the way that you will remember it. and i want to finish strong! i love it. i'm going to miss it. and i believe it's true that i'll remember it for the rest of my life.
well we have been teaching Jesus and he's been doing great! there is a lot that he is going to need to change in his life but he wants to finally get right with God and be happy in his life. and we are here to help him do that! we have been having some awesome lessons with him. what makes them awesome is that we can feel the spirit and then when we ask him questions, we can see that the spirit is guiding him. helping him to answer the questions. that is the best kind of learning that he can do! he's talked to us about how he has alwasy had questions and wanted to know where it is that he could find truth but has never found it. and now he finally feels like we have been helping him recieve the answers that he is looking for. he said that he was going to read and pray about the book of mormon to know if it is true for himself and we'll see how it went when we go over tonight. he wasn't able to go to church last week but this week is looking good for it :)
we also have gotten back into contact with a really cool family. this woman has two kids, and one of them is 9 years old and he is a CHAMP! he loves church and learning about the prophets and knows a lot of the bible stories. it was funny because the first time we met them he wanted to learn a lot more from us and it was his mom that was hesitant. she just didn't know what she was looking for and so it was hard to keep in contact and teaching them. BUT just yesterday we stopped by to give the son a kids BOM and it was like perfect timing. we chatted with her for a little while and i showed her the picture in the Conference Ensign of the prophets and apostles, and it finally connected with her. she had her interest sparked again, and finally confessed to us that it's good we've been persistant because she now sees the need to find a spiritual foundation. she now wants to know what we have to say and if it's true! before she just thought it was interesting but wasn't really super serious about it all. but i knew there was somethin about the family and now their time has come. sweet yeah? we'll see how it goes but i have a lot of hope for them.
we have been teaching some others too and it's just incredible the feeling you get when you find someone who finally appreciates the comfort the answers we have are. i love it.
well so i was hoping to start school in the summer term for BYU. but there is a missionary i heard from that went home back in march. well he went to tennessee to sell security and made 15grand!!! in 2 and 1/2 months! may to july. i think that would be awesome. because i need money to go to school and everything. and that would be an incredible opportunity to make that. and i think that i can do it! but here's the thing, should i do that and put off school til the fall? or should i try to see if i can go sell and be back in utah for the summer term? what do ya'll think? that might keep me away from home for a while though because i want to go the fall right after the summer term.
i love ya'll! i have to go get something checked out at the doctor and i have to pay this co-pay. i was wondering if you could put 10 or 20 on my home card soon to pay for it. yeah? thanks
elder derek munoz

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