Monday, September 5, 2011

Miracles Out The Wazoo! August 3, 2011

hey there familia!
miracles out the wazoo! haha my comp and i have been working so hard and having so much fun. ah... it's nice to be back in my greenie area and i am getting my "greenie fire" back! i think we are going to see a lot of success in this area/companionship. but let me respond to your letter first.
haha mom you are the famous cook among the missionaries? that is so cool! i want to ask them about it! haha there are sometimes certain families things that becomes the legend in the area and sometimes it spreads through lots of missionaries. i wonder if your cooking has acheived that!? haha i'm sure it has or will.
whew mom. AC out when dad goes out of town? sorry. i've heard that it has been really bad there in texas. many members have told me that there is a drought and that it's been really hot for a long time. hang in there! 
can you believe that devin is married and moving to new york? wierd huh? do you know if he is going to be staying there for the summer or what his plans are? so i was thinking. i think i asked but do you think the best choice for me is to wait and go to byu in the summer term? that starts in like end of june or beginning of july. the spring term would be like end of april or beginning of may. that might just be too soon to get sufficient money though.
so my companion is elder hancock and he has great desires. he's really helping me to improve my missionary efforts. we have been working well as a team so far constantly evaluating ourselves and talking about how we can improve. it's nice. i feel like i'm finally consistently fine-tuning myself to be a better tool for the lord. our teaching skills are getting better, our listening to the Spirit is finer-tuned, and we're having fun being tired at the end of the day!
we have our sights on having 3 baptisms next month. you know that i haven't had a ton of baptisms in my mission, and 3 baptisms in one month would be AWESOME for me. i feel like its' going to happen. we are working with someone already who will get baptized this month, but i know we can also have 3 next month. we're going to be working and praying for it at least! and i know the Lord will help us out. just yesterday we got a random call out of the blue from someone  who wanted us to come over. she is visiting from texas with one of her sons who is a member. but his wife isn't. well we showed up and they both have desires to turn to God to strenghthen their marriage! they are both young and going through a rough patch. but we invited his wife to prepare to be baptized and she accepted! 
i have to get going but we have been seeing miracles all over. the Lord is guiding us to those he has prepared and i love it!
love you all a ton! i miss ya!
elder derek munoz

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