Sunday, July 24, 2011

June 22, 2011

hey there!
no no no! don't feel bad when you can't email every once in a while. i'm fine i was just giving you a hard time! i really understand that you are so busy especially in summer!
i'm glad that girls camp and youth conference both went well! i miss those activities. they were so much fun but i don't think i appreciated the experiences then as much as i do now. they are such faith/character building things. so good work mom! the youth will remember what happened and even if you don't see the appreciation, know that your efforts are appreciated!!!
not much has gone on in this past week. we have been really blessed however to find many new people to teach again. we are working hard at finding some solid people. right now we have a pretty big, but young teaching pool. as in there are many people we've taught that will take a little more time to know how/where they are. but we have been so surprised and thankful to have found this really cool 19 year old boy. he's rough at first glance with his son and tattoos, HOWEVER he's got a great heart! he is such a sincere guy and has been loving what we have taught him so far. we are going to teach him this evening and are planning on inviting him to be baptized again, but this time with a date. i'll tell you how things go next week.
so i've realized that i want to do humanitarian work with my life. i want to do a lot of volunteer things in the comunity and in the world after the mission. i was watching some videos and there are a lot of members that go out and give their time and love to people that they don't know to help them have a better life. it's awesome. and there is a sister missionary in my district who's dad is a dentist. he is part of a ground of people that go to different countries to do free dental and medical things. apparently what they try to focus on is working with people in the age range of going on a mission! and they do they work for free and encourage them to go serve missions! that is so cool!!! i want to do that. i have misse dout on a lot of opportunities to offer service and don't want to miss any more.
anyways i love you alll and i miss ya. i hope that you are all not stressing too much about the wedding and all. it'll all work out. just enjoy the moment! 
peace out my fam!
elder munoz

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