Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 6, 2011

hey hey!
that is so awesome that you were all there together in the celestial room! i wish that i was there! it was so cool talking to devin and he said that the temple was an incredible experience. he sounded so happy when i talked to him, which just fills my heart with joy. i miss you all a ton! i can't wait to see all the pictures and i really can't wait to get to go do a session with you all after the mission. that'll be such a special experience. oh man how time changes things! i'm so so grateful for the answers i've recieved from my prayers.
dad told me about some of the challenges ya'll faced at the wedding reception. sounds super stressful!!! but i'm happy that it all worked out in the end and that everyone enjoyed themselves. tell uncle louie thanks for video taping the thing! i'm looking forward to re-living that with ya'll. yeah i know what you mean mom, it's strange having a sister-in-law. wierd stuff. cool though.
oh mom i'm sorry you haven't been able to get much sleep. i've learned my lesson on the importance of sleep! i don't know if i can say that i like getting up early... when it's early in the morning... but as soon as i get going, i'm very grateful to have gone to bed early and gotten up early. it feels good! (idk if i would have the self control in special occasions and parties though!) has devin told you that my companion and i have started P90X?? so far we just did day 3... but i really like it! i've been eating a lot healthier and the exercise is awesome. the other day my comp and i broiled some BBQ chicken breasts, melted a little cheese on top, and ate it with sauteed onion, carrots and zucchini! it was delicious. i was wondering if you were still doing it too? ya think you can burn the dvd's for me?
well i'm glad you had an awesome wedding, and an awesome 4th of july! over here we had a good time too. well really we had a mission council that elder swenson and i were at for most of the day, and then we had to do our report for stake missionary coordination. so pretty much all day was filled with neccessary non-proselyting things to do. bitter-sweet. but what was cool was that we got to see a TON of fireworks! although it's illegal, there's so many people that just shoot them off anyway, there's not much that the city can do about it haha. so my comp and i went out onto the roof of the house and watched an AWESOME fireworks display from all sides. it was like a war zone. it was tons of fun.
i'm happy to say that the work is going well. we've got some great ideas to implement into our zone and our own area. we had been struggling to get people to come to church the last few weeks. and it was a trend in the whole zone. but guess what?? the next topic the mission is going to cover is "revelation through church attendance"! we're going to learn how to better teach and invite people to come to chruch! haha it's so cool how the Lord works. He knew what our needs would be in this time, long before it came up. neat huh?
also, last sunday was awesome! although nobody we had invited came to church, the Lord provided. a member in our area had brought his friend to come to church with him and we got to meet with him! then we went over to the members house after church and taught him!! although everything is really new to him, he really liked what we talked about and agreed to prepare for baptism on august 6th!!! he just fell out of the sky! we had no idea that was coming our way. i'm just so happy that we have been so blessed for the efforts we had been putting in, even though it came in a way not directly connected to what we were doing. it's absolutley the Lords work and not ours.
well i love you! hope all keeps going well!
miss ya!
elder munoz

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