Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thanksgiving Report.... December 1, 2010

hello family!!
i'm doing great here in the windy city. thanksgiving was great although it didnt' feel that much like the holidays without the family nearby. don't think it was sad though! it was actually LESS depressing that way. haha we played volleyball in the morning and then my comp and i had thanksgiving lunch AND dinner with families in the ward. it was fun even though i missed all of you. i can't wait for my phone call to you in 24 days!
it's pretty darn cold here in chicago. i'm handling it better than i thought i would. some days we can't spend long periods of time outside though, we have to go in and warm up! it just barely started snowing today. i'm not sure if that is exciting or not... haha. i've heard rumors that this winter might be REALLY bad. hmm... we'll have to see how that goes.
i got devin's package and letter just a few weeks ago. it was awesome! but i did send him a letter back. chicago mail system really really stinks so maybe that's why he hasn't heard back from me yet. you all should encourage him to pray and ask Heavenly Father specifically about the Book of Mormon and the church, and thihngs like that. that way he can obtain his own testimony and be able to do everything on his own will.
so my blue suit is still in good condition. but my black one (the one i've had for years) has taken a beating and i'll probably throw it out soon... and my brown suit (which gets the most compliments haha) is too small now and i'm going to give it away to one of the other missionaries. but usually i just wear pants and not the suits, and most of them are either beaten up or too small now. so here's what i did... i bought a new pair of pants that i love and fit great. i also just bought a new suit and i took it to a tailor to get the pants taken out a little bit so that suit will work great for a while. AND i decided to try my sewing skills and on one of my pants that are too small now, i'm trying to take them out myself. i'm just starting the sewing process so i'll tell you how it goes...
thanks for sending some packages! i look forward to putting them under our chirstmas tree. yes, we have a tree! we just need to make decorations for it :)
mom i know i'm already a financial burden with my mission costs, so don't worry about me! don't send any more packages for Christmas, i'll be fine! hopefully you all just have a nice modest, fun christmas and dont' worry too much on material things. i'm really sorry that i won't be able to give presents out :/ i'll try to find a way to give something though.
well the work is getting harder, just because it gets dark earlier, and it's colder. BUT we just found a great family! this is my first time getting to be able to teach the whole family! i love it. i can't wait to see them again this saturday. they are 5 in total, and the oldest kid is 11. we're going to bring a member so that they can start feeling welcome. i'm really hoping that they all come this sunday. we're still working with several different people, but they all have tough situations that we're trying to work through and hopefully we don't have to drop them.
i love it here. i love the work and the gospel is what makes me the most happy. i'm so thankful that we have this precious knowledge in our lives. the scriptures are such a blessing and they provide me with strength  everyday. i heard a quote that "faith isn't faith until it is tested". that is so true. our faith is going to be tested, and we need to stand strong in all we do! and the best way to get through the hard times is to do those DAILY steps such as scripture study and constant prayer. i hope that thigns are still going well with all of you in your scripture study.
i love you all and i hope that you look for missionary opportunities often. remember to pray for the missionaries in your own areas and offer to help them in more ways than just a meal. this is the season of giving! :)
i love you all so much. and miss you tons.
e. MuNOz

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