Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 2, 2010

Hello Family!
yeah i loved the package, but as for anything else, i think i'm getting along just fine. BUT i did want to ask for a favor from you all! i sent home that extra triple combination home because i didn't know why i would need two. and guess what? now i need it! haha Jesus, the man i baptized a few weeks ago is doing great in the church. he's really awesome and had asked about how he can get a copy of D&C to use and read. well, i figured that it would be awesome to give him my extra one! so if you wouldn't mind sending that sometime when you get the chance, it'd be greatly appreciated.
don't worry about the dentist dad. i haven't seen one yet but i've talked to the mission presidents wife and i should be having an appointment soon. if i have to i'll just pull it out myself! hopefully it won't come to that but Tom Hanks did it on Castaway, and i think i remember how he did it... i wouldn't even have to be that primative about it! :)
things are going great here. just enjoying missionary life. it's been miracle after miracle. we were looking for a place to do some tracting because we had an appointment cancel on us. we were just riding our bikes and i was trying to find a place that felt like... success! well, we found a street, chose a side, and locked up our bikes. after only a few houses of rejection, we found Rebecca sitting on her porch listening to her i-pod. and she's AWESOME. right now she's fighting cancer, and it's really sad. BUT she is staying strong and faithful. she has been looking into different churches but ultimately has just been trying to keep a strong relationship with God. well we talked to her for a while and taught her on her porch. we really felt blessed to have been led right into her and have high hopes for helping her obtain a testimony of the restoration. she's a very sincere girl (22) and we look forward to seeing her again this week. sometimes it's incredible to see the strength that others have and it's inspiring for me to keep pressing forward!
my companion and i also had another great opportunity to serve someone we're teaching. i've told you about another lady that has been struggling to provide for her two kids, and there is no father figure around. well we've been meeting with her and we found out that her son's 4th birthday was coming up! considering their circumstances, they weren't going to be able to do much other than hopefully enjoy a good day at the park to celebrate. my companion and i knew that we couldn't let this boy have a birthday with not even a cake! so that evening we baked a cake, using food coloring to make the cake blue! and the frosting we made purple, green, and orange (it was definitely an "elders" cake). we wrote "feliz cumpleanos alex!" and dropped it off with them. we haven't met with her since then but we hope that they enjoyed it and that it brought them some hope. it's amazing how much you get to help Heavenly Father reach down to his children in both small and big ways.
well dad just so you know my spanish is coming along pretty well! feel free to write me a spanish letter. i'm pretty good at understanding written spanish, i can speak it the best when i'm talking about the gospel, and i've improved a lot in my listening. the hard part is that when i listen to people, for me to understand it i'm always a few moments behind what they are saying. because i have to process somethings in my head. so the difficult part is that when they are talking and then ask me a question, i slightly pannic! haha i get nervous because i'm still figuring out what they said and THAT'S the hard part/struggle. but you can send me a letter in spanish! esta bien. me encanta a leer en espanol porque tengo mas tiempo para pensar! tambien, necesito practicar escribiendo en espanol. no tengo mucho oportunidad para escribir.
we've been working hard and the last two days were PACKED with appointments. and when something fell through we were able to find other people to teach by contacting or tracting. fun stuff :)
well today my companion made Jamaica(or something like that) which was cool! it's a drink that's made from boiling a flower in water (obviously)! it's delicious and he was pretty proud of himself. i made brownies(super easy...)!
i'm thrilled about your FHE group! that's really cool! i've been studying the conference ensign like you guys, and it's been incredible. there are SO many talks about strenghtening the family and the home. that's where it all starts! and i love the talks from the First Presidency in the priesthood session about patience, diligence, and preparation. there are so many wise words and they are all directed to us! as i've told you i'm studying the BOM for the second time while being out here, and i think it's so cool that i can study the words of both ancient and living prophets. WAY cool. President Boyd K. Packer was talking about "The Power of the Priesthood", but he also talked about the sisters. after talking about the responsibility priesthood holders have, he said "i include thie sisters because it is crucial for everyone to understand what is expected of the brethren. unless we enlist the attention of the mothers and daughters and sisters- who have influence on their husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers- we cannot progress. the priesthood will lose great power if the sisters are neglected." everyone in the family has a very important role. all of us should be there to strengthen and love each other. we also should strengthen ourselves. i like when Elder Holland reminds us, "if a tv show is indecent, turn it off. if a movie is crude, walk out. if an improper relationship is developing, sever it... an old proverb says that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, so watch your step."
well i love you all. i must be going now! take care
elder munoz

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