Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16, 2010

hola familia!
it was great to hear from you, once again. mom, don't worry about not being able to write me. i understand, just don't let it happen again.... haha just kidding. it's great to hear you are having fun and enjoying the things around San Antonio. i'm glad you've had some good success too dad! congrats.
well, don't worry about the dentist! there was no problems. i didn't even have a cavity! what i was worried about turns out to merely be wearing down of my tooth. just from grinding my teeth. so there's no need to worry. the dentist was a member and he was really cool! he quoted scriptures when he talked to me and talked about living to the age of a tree and then POOF! haha it's a great blessing that i have that tax return money so that you can pay for my leftover hospital bills! i hope that's all taken care of now. does it seem like there are any more?
well this week has come and gone rather fast. next week is transfers and we're all a little anxious to see what they're going to do. this next transfer is only going to be 2 weeks long. and then... the merger! they are going to combine the two missions and who knows where i could be sent at that transfer. i'm really hoping that i stay here in the south city. i love it here. but i'm trying to remember that wherever i'm sent is where i need to be and that keeps my hopes up pretty well. i'm going to be sad losing president and sister Roach though. they are great and although i haven't had much time with them, i do love and respect them a lot. they are amazing people.
so a few awesome missionary things.... my companion and i were tracting before our appointment. the time was close to our appointment and so we stopped in the middle of this block and headed to our bikes. then, both elder rapier and i recieved phone calls (they merged the areas and we still have 2 phones) from our next 2 appointments. they both canceled on us! they were both member appointments and we thought they were going to be pretty solid, so that just opened up almost 2 hours of time in our day! i laughed about it and looked at my companion. i told him "there HAS to be someone on this block that the Lord wants us to find!" so we left our bikes and got back to tracting instead of finding other types of missionary work to do. we continued on and met a few different people and set up come-back appointments. 2 houses from the end of the block we walked to the backyard to knock on the back door. this lady was sitting outside and at first we startled her. then she looked so happy to see us and welcomed us in her house. we were a little, okay very, confused at this hospitality. she seemed to know exactly who we were. once we started talking to her we found out that she had known missionaries, who baptized her 2 daughters, FIFTEEN years ago! she was excited to see us and introduced us to her 2 grand children. this woman and these two kids are great people. i'm so excited that we were blessed to meet them. they should be coming to church with us this sunday and hopefully we can help remind her of the truth our message has and she'll be baptized. the two kids are super cute and friendly. we taught them the 10 commandments with hand signals. it was really fun.
another thing that i wanted to share with you was part of my studies. i was reading "our search for happiness" and Elder ballard was sharing his testimony and an experience that he had that changed his life. he said it wasn't anything huge, just a feeling that came to him one moment where he KNEW the church was true and that Christ really was his Savior. as i read his testimony i started thinking about my own. i reflected on the moment in my life where i KNEW my Savior. i knew that he lived and loved me very much. i hadn't reflected on this experience recently, and i felt guilty for that. i began to think about my testimony and evaluate my actions. this thought process changed a lot of things for me! i know that we need to LIVE in accordance to our testimonies. i feel several times i evaluate myself and think about if i am living the testimony that i have. every day since then i remember my experience when i knew my Savior. every day i remember it and it brings an enormous amount of strength to me. whenever i have a doubt, hard day, or any sort of issue, i remember and it fills my heart with joy.
i'd love to invite you all to write down your testimonies. write anything and everything that you want to about your own personal testimony. and then when you finish, read over it and ask yourselves if you are living in accordance to this testimony, what you can do to improve, and what you can do to strengthen your testimony. mom told me that Gabby Cunningham talked about something similar to this, but now it's personal to me :)
i love you all and hope all is well! take care and i'll talk to ya next week!
elder munoz
p.s. the Flick family sent me a package!! tell them thank you so very much. the cookies were delicious and i'm HONORED to use the tie they sent as a "burn tie" :) haha they are great!

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