Sunday, May 1, 2011

March 23, 2011

hey there!
i'm doing great this week. it is great to hear about all that's going on back home. sounds like a lot of crazy stuff like always. don't worry mom, you and dad usually touch on different subjects or if it's the same thing, you both have different perspectives.
see how missionary work can be so easy mom?? we just need to let ourselves be mormons all the time. we need to always have Christ's image engraved in our countenance and invite people when we have an opportunity. and we ALWAYS have opportunities. if they aren't interested, that's okay. maybe right now they aren't prepared, but we can't make that decision for them! so many people try to make the decision for others, saying they aren't ready. but you never know...
that's crazy about the glass door shattering again. seems like our house has gone through so many changes bytheway... that's cool though
well the work is going forward! elder john and i are so excited for the changes in the zone. like i said, not because they old missionaries were bad, it's just good to have a change once in a while to get some fresh blood, fresh ideas for different areas. some of the missionaries had been there for a while. so we are hoping that the work here in the city increases a lot.
we lost one of our investigators last week. it was sad because he was the one that was so great! ha he was receptive and wanted to keep the commitments we had left him, but after his few weeks in mexico with other family, we lost him. he came back with just a different mind-set and stronger belief in his families religion. maybe in the future he'll regain his desire. so right now we are focusing harder on our other investigators that we have. they are doing well and all have different situations we have to work through. sometimes that is rough but we are going well and hoping that the Spirit really takes over with how we need to approach things with them.
so just so you know i picked up knitting again. i didn't really know much before but i feel like i know more now. my comp and i have been doing it at the end of the night before bed and it's been fun haha. we're both making big beanie hats. they are lookin pretty good. we got a new district member who likes to knit a lot and taught us some cool things. he's knitting a sweater!! haha he's so funny.
i love you all and hope you are well.
elder munoz

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