Friday, November 19, 2010

November 11, 2010

hello familia!
well, things here are going well. we had transfers and i'm going to be staying in the same area with the same companion. this is three transfers together! i've never been with another companion more than one! i'm enjoying it though. he's a great guy. maybe a little bit trunky, but he's still working so that's great. sometimes him and elder filipi (in our district) make me a little bit trunky haha but i'm doing good. time is going by so fast! we moved apartments, but in the same area. the one we have now is smaller, but it's nicer. my companion and i re-arranged things and it's SWEET. we even bought a new (not ripped and moldy) shower curtain! it's got a big green tree frog on it. haha i like it.
well i am loving being in chicago. the weather this week has been a great blessing. 60's all week. i'm scared cuz i think next week it's going to start dropping again! but that's the life in chicago. we have been doing really good on our first lessons here. the mission has been stressing on teaching the first in a short 15-minute spirit packed lesson. and include a bap-invitation. and i love it. i think our teaching skills are constantly improving. i really like teaching. and lately I'VE been the one to invite them to be baptized, and it's so spiritual. i love it. it's cool because i really feel a lot closer to my purpose now that we are doing that better. we did it before, but i don't feel like we were as consistant.
lazaro is doing well, but we're going to push his baptismal date back a little bit. he wasn't able to come to church this past sunday, AND this weekend there are a lot of schedule conflicts with him, the bishop, the ward mission leader. so we're going to wait a little while. we want to make sure that he is ready before he gets in the water!
the other day, because we had to move so suddenly, we didn't get to do our morning studies. we had to move into our new apartment and shut down ours (we used to have 2 companionships covering this same area, but now it's just my comp and i). so we were packing and getting ready for other missionaries to come with the moving trailer. and i must tell you all, my day felt so much different! especially when we were trying to teach and everything we missionaries do. i didn't read my scriptures that day and it was a tremendous difference in how my day felt. it's hard to describe in words. we teach people all the time that there are 3 basic things we must do so that we can stay strong and endure to the end. 1.go to church every week 2.pray every day and the scriptures daily. i hope that you are all finding time to read every single day. and to constantly keep a prayer in your heart. because these things can make a world of difference.
i love you all and hope the best for you! i pray for you all daily!
e. MuNOz

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