Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 9, 2010

hey there familia!
this week was great. my companion and i had a zone conference in which we were reminded of some great things we need to apply to our missions. we had a member of the 70 there teaching us. he was great and truly inspired. reminded me of my purpose as a missionary and what i need to do. he also talked about goals a lot. it was great to hear and learn about that because goals are TRULY what lead to success. setting good goals and FOLLOWING THROUGH with achieving those goals.
my companion and i found a less-active family that is part-member. they said they have a desire to come back to church and we are going to start regularly meeting with them. as well we are really hoping to be able to teach the father and the 9 yr-old son. they used to go all the time to church with the part of the family who are members. so hopefully things will progress with them.

i can't believe that it is already september mom! it's starting to change into fall but you can't tell that much yet, except for the weather change. which is GREAT. it is so nice and cool outside. i love it here. umm... we didn't do anything special for labor day, we actually didn't even realize that it was labor day until half way through the day. BUT it was my companions birthday on tuesday and a family made us a delicious cake. also, we bought a pinata :) and we had to ride our bikes all the way home holding it. haha it was a funny site. we haven't broken it open yet. there's no candy in it, we just wanted to get one for fun.
well i'm not sure what you can teach on unity right off hand, but being a missionary i would say relate it to being united with the spirit. if you aren't united with the spirit, you are not taking advantage of the right you have for His guidance. and what good can you do without the spirit? Christ has told us to be perfect, even as He is perfect. we should work in unity with those who we need to, when trying to fulfill a righteous cause. Chirst worked in PERFECT unity with the Holy Ghost as well as The Father.
i love you all and am glad to hear that all is well. it's awesome you got to go visit devin and meet his... girlfriends? family.
love y'all!
e. muNoZ

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