slackers. i have no email to respond to. thats ok though because i never have any time either. SO SORRY about the pillows. i'll send them off (hopefully) today. it's just hard because like i said it's hard to find time. Mom, thanks for the DearElder! i loved it.
anyway, happy wednesday!
it is such a beautiful day here in Provo! it's a little chilly outside for my Texas preference, but it's bright and sunny. how's the weather in texas? my friend from near Dallas said that it snowed there last weekend! 6 inches! and then the next day it was in the 70's haha. i won't be here for much longer though! i got my travel plans!
ok so i am leaving next wednesday. Elder Robbins (one of my comps) and i are the last to leave in my district! i'm not sure if this relates or not, maybe it doesn't, but listen to this... i really want to play out on the missionary field before i leave. enough to where... i simply asked my Father in Heaven for that one little favor. i asked the night before i got my travel plans, and i find out that i'm leaving WEDNSDAY! after everyone else is gone. i'm wondering if He's playing a small joke on me and i'll get to play on the field tuesday, the day before i leave. and i have to stay an extra day haha. maybe it's not related, who knows, but it wsa a funny thought. ok ANYWAYS i will be in the airport around 6:30 or 7 AM. my flight leaves at 8:45. so i'm not sure if i'll be able to talk to you mom, because you'll be at work. but dad i'll call you okay? that's going to be really strange. maybe we'll talk in spanish!! weird... so yeah, that's the plan. i'll be in chicago by 1 o'clock! (we're in the same time zone again padres!)
this week is awesome. instead of having classes all week, this is la semana de enseñanzas. or the week of teachings! it´s so much fun! because we have to contact other spanish missionaries so that we can teach them the discussions. and we can't teach the missionaries that are in our zone, so we have been talkng to and teaching people that we haven't met before and stuff. we go to other floors and other buildings to find people. we're teaching all 3 types of misisonaries too! we're teaching people that are also learning spanish, missionaries that are in intermediate and advanced spanish classes, and we're also teaching NATIVES! we have two really great missionaries that are from Mexico and from Cali, Colombia! they're here learning english. it's so much fun teaching native spanish speakers. they are really friendly, patient and helpful. it was so much fun too telling one of them that my dad was from Colombia. so this week is great. it's as real as we can get here. we've already had several appointments not work out. they didn't show up or forgot and they were in class. so we took it like we'd do in the field and found other people near by that we could teach.
so of course, being a missionary, i have to tell you a missionary thought. well i was thinking this, i know that our family is truly blessed. BUT all of us struggle. our family has a lot to do! we struggle getting through in school, in our callings, at work and other stuff. and these things really take a toll on our financial status. well, we just need to be faithful and put our trust in the Lord. we don't pay our tithing with money, but with faith. that's what i heard this week. we HAVE to pay our tithing and we will be taken care of. we have been promised that. 3 Ne 1:31-33 i think.
i love you all! time is running out!! you are the best
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