Saturday, February 13, 2010

Derek's First Email

This is Derek's first email from the MTC. I debated whether or not I wanted to fix his punctuation but decided not to worry about it. Derek comes from the texting generation and maybe he will grow out of that and we will notice a difference in his letters and as time goes by on his mission

Hola familia!

como le van? hahaha how are you?? do you miss me SO much? i think you should. because the munoz family is awesome and now one of us is practically out of touch! don't worry i'll keep you updated on what's goin on.

well i landed safely if you didn't realize. my p-day is wednesday so that's why it took so long for me to write. do you know what wednesday means!? we have newbies coming in my district!! so i'm no longer the youngest. we're going to meet the fresh new meat pretty soon i assume. that'll be fun. but about MY district- they're awesome! we have 12 people (which is a lot), 8 elders and 4 hermanas (sisters). and guess how many different missions? 6! all stateside. we already have a lot of unity between us all. just so you know, i mentioned that i was going to move up to the intermediate spanish class. well, i decided that it was better for me to stay. my companion needs me! haha he's a great guy but i don't want to leave him because i think he's struggling. we were made companions for a reason! also, my teachers and branch presidency is the BEST. they are so awesome and teach me various things about all kinds of stuff. i love them!

so as you know- i'm not a morning person. at all. haha but i'm trying to start the day positively. so in the mornings when i get in the shower i always ask who else is with me!? because there are 4 different shower sections. we all start talking and singing to cheer up. it's actually a lot of fun. whats cool is that the same 3 elders have been in there with me so it's our early morning shower team!! haha

well the spirit is also really strong. wow. on sunday guess how many times i cried?? 3 different times!!! and i'm not a cryer. no way. but the spirit was strong and the stories so touching- that i couldn't help myself. whatever- real men cry. sunday has got to be one of the  best days. i love that i can learn so much from great people, and so much from the Spirit.

my p-day will be really great also because 1.we get to relax a little, 2. we can finally write letters so maybe we'll get some during the week, 3. we get to go to the temple, 4. the newbies come! which means... ice cream! so p-day and sunday=best time of the week. not that the rest of the week is bad... it's great! just taxing on you cuz you work SO hard. i'm enjoying the hard work and the strict schedule though. because i've gone too long without it. i mean working as a server i didn't have TOO much of a rough schedule haha...

i would love to write some scriptures and things that i've learned but i don't have any materials with me! i'm in the laundry room waiting for my clothes to dry. yes, they have computers for us in the laundry room. but i will share something that i remember. D&C 123:11-14. read it. it's AWESOME. talks about how we in this generation should be sharing the light of the gospel with those who are in darkness. we should wear ourselves out telling people of the gospel. it's real cool :) there is a lot that i'm learning, everyday. so it's hard to share everything with you but i HAVE  been writing in my journal everyday (be proud mama).

i love it here and i'm so thankful to this opportunity. i love you all! don't miss me too much. i'm not dead yet. haha thanks for the letters! keep them coming! it's such a nice thing to have mail because the MTC is rough! i pray for ya'll everyday! devin- i hope all is well with school. remember to continually pray. i'm excited to get your package and thanks for sending my cookbook!! Amber and Jeremy- i hope school and work isn't too rough. keep up the hard work and depend on the Lord to provide. as long as you do your part. Mom and dad- you are the best. i wouldn't be here without you. thanks for everything.

i love you!
Elder Munoz

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